Thursday, January 21, 2010



We are leaving for the Amazon today for dental ministry.
Please pray for the dentists, the pastor, and everyone going.
For the people we'll be meeting. That we would preach the gospel powerfully.
For safety and unity.

Thank you brothers!

Friday, January 8, 2010


I havn't updated in a while!
HAPPY NEW YEAR. Can you believe it is already 2010?!
Here's a picture of New Year's Eve at church:

Thanks for praying for Colombia! :)

"For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes" (Rom 1:16)
- Gospel-centered churches
- That the pastors would be encouraged to know that the gospel is the power of God. That they would preach the WORD of GOD and not be tempted to simply offer behavioral challenges.
- Worship in spirit and truth. Reverence and awe.
- Spirit-filled, light-emitting, life-pointing churches.
- Servants!

The longest distance in the world is from the head to the heart.
- Many have been church-members for a long time, and know of God. Please pray that they would come to know Him and LOVE Him. That the gospel would not be a concept but a personal reality.
- That they would lead this community in love.
- Control of the tongue. Small community and everyone wants to know about everyone else.
- My extended family:
-- My aunt: She is genuinely excited to learn more of God and about Jesus' life. That God would provide for her a community of believers and teachers. That God would continue to work in her heart and reveal His irresistible self to her.
-- Uncles and cousins: Their salvation. That GOD would use my aunts to be a light to them.

Young Adults:
- For those that don't know God and the good news: That GOD woud reveal HIS truth, the condition of their hearts and the ultimate hope in Jesus. For their salvation! :)
- For those that do know God: That we would go ALL OUT for GOD, fully trusting in His love and goodness. That GOD would raise leaders and servants.

- For clear Word-centered teaching.
- That as they learn more of GOD, they would come to love GOD.
- That they would come to love the Church.

The Country:
- Being "green" seems to be a great movement here, which is not necessarily bad. But that it wouldn't become a GOD=Earth paradigm.
- That Colombians would see beyond our life now, and look unto what is eternal
- Courage to read the Word.
- Especially, that they would see the wretchedness of sin (even little pecadillos) so that grace would be amazing grace for them.

- Gregorio and Mayerli: They have a degenerative illness that makes their bodies less and less controllable and more rigid. They are about our age. Oh man, they are crazy, because in the midst of all their struggles they find joy. However, that they ultimate joy and hope would be in Christ and life eternal with HIM. I don't know if they are saved. Please pray for them.

- Juan Carlos: He is a man that was burned at the factory he worked. Then he was hit by a car and now he is completely blind. He has to support a family of 3 kids and wife, and because he is unable to work, he's been forced to ask for money on the streets. Oh man, the only encouragement that I could give him was that compared to eternity our lives are like a vapor, and his struggles on earth will fade if he holds to the hope of Christ. He loves Jesus, but please pray that God would send people to minister to Him in the Word so that his love and hope would grow and be assured.

- And their families, especially the kids.

- Accountability: it's been tough to find someone to share struggles and point me to Christ.
- Humility: always look unto my own sin and inability produce any good fruit without abiding in Him.
- Patience: regarding ministry and personal relationships
- Laziness: many a times i've been lazy = tv, computer. man. every hour, every moment LORD i long to be your servant. take advantage of every open door to bring as many to Christ.
- Ministry: Bosa English Teaching, Every conversation, Working with the pastors and at church, Random opportunities (like talking with cab drivers)
- More opportunities to preach the gospel!
- After Colombia??

As you join me in prayer here in Colombia, I also wanted to ask and encourage people to fast also for His name and His renown here in Colombia within the Korean community and the nation as a whole.
Why fast?
Hallowing his name, seeking his kingdom, and doing his will
"The prayer that Jesus just taught us to pray in Matthew 6:9–13 begins with three main longings: that God's name be hallowed or revered, that his kingdom come, that his will be done on earth the way it's done in heaven. That is the main reward God gives for our fasting. We fast out of longing for God's name to be known and cherished and honored, and longing for his rule to be extended and then consummated in history, and longing for his will to hold sway everywhere with the same devotion and energy that the inexhaustible angels show sleeplessly in heaven forever and ever."
We can even have a group fast about Tuesday the 12th?
How can I pray for you!?

To the hills of Monserrate!

We went up a "cable car" to the top of Monserrate, where there was a bunch of Christmas lights. All over the mountain.

Our quest to the Church of Monserrate.
Is it Magic Mountain?

La Mazorca

New Years Day
The Power Rangers - Bike Adventure

We all bought the same bike but with different colors.
Spent New Years Day riding around Bogota :)

I was the white bike.
I never liked white ranger though :(


For His Glory,
- Leo