Tuesday, December 15, 2009



It is truly a gift to have fellow brothers and sisters to join in prayer for this trip. Looking at an ever-growing list of prayer requests, I was at first dismayed: “How am I gonna be able to pray over all these things?” But then I was so encouraged after reading Romans 15:30 as Paul asks: “I urge you, brothers, by our Lord Jesus Christ and the love of the Spirit, to join me in my struggle by praying to God for me.” Ah! You are with me in this mission trip and together we are praying!

Prayer Requests

Many of the Korean people go to church here, but for most it is simply a societal gathering and custom. This is so much more dangerous because sin and spiritual blindness are covered by a false sense of fellowship with god. Something like: “I go to church, so I’m good with God and I can do whatever I want…yea yea Jesus died for my sins, whatever”

1. The adults (ajuhshis and ajoomahs): Because the Korean community is so small and many people work in the same industry, it is very easy to fall into gossip. Please pray that God would teach them to tame the tongue, as it has hurt many of the youth and young adults and it makes them stop wanting to come to church because they want to avoid dealing with the adults. Also, as leaders in the church that they would be role models for the younger generation in their love of Christ. Who can the younger generation look up to?!

2. Youth and Young Adults (my friends): That the Gospel would move from their heads to their hearts. As a church-going community, many know of God but don’t know Him and what the gospel truly means. That they would see God’s amazing love and kindness, perfectly shown at the cross, and that this would lead them to repentance. Thatt they would love the Word. Bible is not BORING!

3. Church: That it would be a Christ-centered, Word-loving, life-giving, Spirit-filled, Spirit-led church. For the pastors, that they would find accountability. In the midst of all this darkness that it would truly shine as a light.

4. “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few…”: Please pray that God would send workers to this community and the church. Maybe a youth/young adults pastor? SM (Spanish ministry)?

5. Colombia: It is a country of cultural Catholicismwhich really means subtle agnosticism. A belief of traditions without having the Truth as foundation.

6. The Korean churches will be sending out teams to the Colombian Amazon in January (3-4 day trips). You know what to pray for ☺ EVERYTHING!

Some personal prayer requests!

7. Accountability: This prayer request reminds me of when Jesus sends the seventy-two in pairs. I wanna ask God for a brother to share with, be accountable to, to GT with, etc. I can’t see the long in my own eye, but a brother can.

8. Humility: It is easy for me to think that I got it all figured out and be “above it all”. That I would always look unto the cross and the cost of my own sin. It is only by grace that I am loved. Also, that I would remember that it is not wise or persuasive words but the power of the spirit that transforms hearts.

9. I might have an opportunity to serve at a school in an impoverished neighborhood. God is it your will for me to serve there? Ah! I see so much selfishness and pride in me NOT wanting to serve there (it wasn’t my intended purpose to come here GOD! ☹). Please pray that even if it is not His will that I’d be willing to go if it is.

10. That I would continue to join in the culture.

It’s a long list of prayer requests. Praying for all of them at once might be too much so if there is any one request that is near to our hearts, we can pray for that one earnestly.

Please God capture the hearts of those who don’t know you. We beg for you to move.

There is much hope! “The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet” (Romans 16:20)



  1. Wow, what a list of prayer requests!
    It is a blessing to hear of your heart for the people there.
    I will continue to be in prayer for you!
    Continue to share the good news Sangwon!

  2. LEO! glad you made it safe&sound to colombia! Yay i'm so happy you have a blog too! AHAHa. I will definitely try to go through that list and pray for each thing. Keep us updated!!

  3. got cliff notes? =]

    leo, bring down da FIIIIIIRE!
